Joining us at Standard Goods this coming Thursday for the Spectra group show is the very talented Seattle based artists Brittnie Vanguilder. She is an abstract artist using alcohol ink to mimic the organic flows found in nature, everything from simple elemental forms to aerial landscapes are a source of inspiration. With ethereal color schemes and compositions full of dimension and detail, her pieces manifest a sense of emotion and familiarity. Brittnie's form of creative expression is rooted in her endless fascination and affinity for the natural world. We got to know her a little better in this interview below.
What is the most challenging part about being an abstract artist?
With the particular medium that I'm using, the biggest challenge is lack of control. Alcohol ink definitely has a mind of its own. There are times where I don't know what to expect when combining colors or trying different ways of manipulating the ink. I can have this vision of what I want to create and sometimes I can't bring it to life, and it's frustrating. But it's also one of the biggest advantages too. Sometimes colors blend in a way that I wasn't anticipating and magic happens, and I'm like, holy shit, I couldn't I have asked for better! Then I learn this new technique from it, so what originally started with a lack of control ends up giving me more control in the end.
Who are figures in the art world that influence you and why?
Emma Lindstrom and Jacob Herdell come to mind. The flow and composition of Emma's pieces are amazing especially considering how massive they are. I originally found alcohol inks checking out Jacob Herdell's work, that's a pretty substantial influence! More than any human being though, I feel like my influences overwhelmingly come from nature. It's almost aways what I pull my color schemes and compositions from.
How long have you been painting? And what is your earliest memory of creating art?
For the past two years I've been working as a sign artist, so art is something I'm pretty much doing on the daily in one form or another. I found alcohol ink this year, fell in love with it, and it has since been my main focus. In general I have been drawing, painting, etc. recreationally for about ten years.
What do you like best about living in Seattle? Where did you grow up?
I technically live in the suburbs which I like because I'm close to the mountains, it's easy to get out and be in nature. But I've grown up all around the Puget Sound, born and raised in this area. I love our culture, progressiveness, the unparalleled beauty in our surroundings. I don't know, Seattle's just home to me. Always will be.
What is your creative process like?
First, music. With this medium in particular I feel like it's really easy to just connect and reach that flow and music is a huge part of that for me. I definitely feel like what I create is influenced by what I'm listening to. I usually have a color scheme I'm playing around with in my head but in general there's a ton of improvisation, I'm placing colors where I intuitively feel like they should go. I usually have a table set up outside or in my garage and am constantly circling the piece adding more from different angles and viewpoints. I usually don't pick the final orientation of the piece until I'm almost finished. A lot of the time it's really hard to determine when to stop. Sometimes less is more, sometimes more is nice because of the layers and depth. It's all just what I'm feeling.
If you could hang out with one person, living or dead, who would that be? And what would you do?
It'd be cool to meet my future self and get some knowledge dropped on me. Can that count?
What are you passionate about besides your art?
The Earth.. urban farming, permaculture, homesteading. I have a little one and I want him to grow up knowing where his food comes from, learn how to grow it, to be mindful and show him how to give back more than we take.
Which creative medium would you love to explore but haven't yet?
Epoxy and high flow acrylics. There are some people out there doing really beautiful stuff with it and I love that alcohol inks can be incorporated into it too. That's definitely in my future.
What are you most excited about for this art show, "Spectra?"
When I started doing this, my main goal was just to have my art on display somewhere, so to have such a solid platform displaying it is really exciting. It gives people the chance to see the pieces up close, look at the details, see all the stuff that gets kind of lost in photos.
Thank you for your time, if you would like us to add or share anything else, like social media/website/portfolio in behalf of your art.
Instagram: Brittnievanguilderart