Standard Goods Featured Artist: Maya Koplowitz

Standard Goods Featured Artist: Maya Koplowitz

Another artist featured for Capitol Hill Art Walk on Thursday evening is Maya Koplowitz. She is a multidisciplinary visual designer and illustrator. She grew up in New York. In 2013 she moved to Los Angeles to study Visual Communications at The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM) She is currently the Direct Marketing Editor at Standard Goods. 

IG: @mayaxxk

Why do you do what you do?

I’m an illustrator and artist. I do it because creating makes me feel like i’m being my true self, It’s an outlet and a catharsis.

What’s your spirit animal?

A baby chimp or a baby lamb. 

Where did you grow up? And how did it influence you as an artist?

I was born in Park Slope Brooklyn, and lived there until i was 6 years old. But I grew up 20 miles north of NYC in Rockland County splitting my time both in the city with my Dad and upstate with my Mom. Growing up in New York exposed me to an abundance of art and culture from a young age. Also most of my family are artists so just being around family members that are creatives influenced me as a child.

What artist do you most identify with?

Henry Matisse, Jean Arp, Auguste Rodin, Ellsworth Kelly, Charles and Ray Eames, Nathalie Du Pasquier, and Andy Warhol. 

Describe a good or bad situation in your past that inspired you?

When I Moved to Los Angeles in 2013 to study at The Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM. Pushing myself to move across the country and taking a leap of faith. It forced me to grow creatively and emotionally. 

What’s your worst nightmare?

I have many nightmares but my worst fear is getting stuck in an elevator..Ever since I can remember i have been petrified of being trapped in small spaces. I used to make my whole family walk up flights of stairs because i refused to take the elevator. 

If you could travel in a time machine, where or when would you go?

I’d want to go back and see myself as a baby i don’t know why i think that would be cool to look into my own past and observe things. I’d also want to go back in time and meet my Grandma, I never had the chance to meet her.

How has your style as an artist changed over the years?

My style has definitely evolved. I like to think it hasn’t changed much; besides becoming more confident in myself, which I can see in my work.

How is your personality reflected in your work?

I’m a light hearted and gentle person i can see these traits with my use of color and line quality i suppose. 

What is your favorite medium to work with?

Pencil, Ink, and Digital. 

Standard Goods Featured Artist: Maya Koplowitz

Standard Goods Featured Artist: Maya KoplowitzStandard Goods Featured Artist: Maya Koplowitz

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