Standard Goods Featured Artist Bradley Wilkinson, Seattle Artist Interview, Standard Goods, Illustrator, Darm Darm

Standard Goods Featured Artist: Bradley Wilkinson

Join Standard Goods for May Capitol Hill Artwalk 6 pm - 9 pm featuring Seattle based street artist, Bradley Oliver Wilkinson, also known as DARMDARM for his solo art show + live band performance by Critté.

Stop by the shop and see a collection of graffiti inspired stickers exploring friends and characters of his own design. DARMDARM finds himself waking up with his boots on, pulling apart his fingers stuck together by spray paint, squinting at the sun as it melts through his window. We sat down with Bradley to learn more about his artwork and himself. Scroll down to check out our interview with Bradley. 



Standard Goods featured local Artist: Bradley Wilkinson Capitol Hill Seattle

Tell us a little bit about yourself? What kind of work do you do? 

I am originally from Austin, tx where I started doing street art. I went to school there and received a Bachelor in Fine Arts. I also Illustrate, Animate, Make Music, and direct videos. My mural work has been seen on the Food Network and I have directed for MTV Portugal & Spain. I come from a family of Recyclers, making me now stranger of junkyards growing up. Im my spare time I like to garden, go to yoga, excercise, and roam seattle with my Russian Wolfhound, Copernicus.

My preferred medium when on the streets is acrylic hand painted stickers I wheatpaste. Darm Darm is my tag, and I have been doing graffiti for 8 years. It evolved from me saying "Dern" all the time back in 2009, and one stoned day in front of my drafting table it came to me. Darm Darm, a hybrid of "Darn" & "Nom Nom." It is weird when people call me darm darm and don't even know my name. I feel like a cartoon character.

Recently I dabbled in comics. The first one I created was for my band's (CRITTÉ) first EP, Staurt's Cove. You can get copies at our live shows. We have a full length coming out this summer. And, it has been keeping me all sorts of busy. 

I love seattle a lot. I have been in love with the atmosphere that comes with the territory. From the scenic landscapes to all the kind hearted lovely weirdos. Even the not so kind hearted lovely weirdos. We need everyone to make this texture interesting and rich. I enjoy the queer art community here, it made the transfering from austin much easier and more comfortably inhabitable. 

I love it so much here in this damn city that I decided to start an art club at Revolver with a friend. A local watering hole in Capitol Hill where we throw monthly drink n draws every second Tuesday. Friends and patrons come to draw ridiculous themes thought up by the troublemakers crew. We play drawing games, talk, and mentally crap out beer soaked comics. The next month we put them into a zine and give them away to everyone for free. I was inspired by the super talented people that put on Dune, another drink n draw located in the University District at Cafe Racer. I make it a point to indulge myself into the arts. I have been obsessed since my mom would draw pictures with me and my brother at the dinner table. Fun Fact, my first drawing ever was of a pink flamingo. (are people still reading)

 What themes are influencing your work currently? 

For this particular show, I am showcasing my street art. Which are based off my darmdarm characters and friends that I know. Themes that come to mind our heartbreak, dating, death, anxiety, humor, confidence, self revelation, growing up (or lack there of), and street culture. Stuff I think many of us have to deal with on the daily.

What is your favorite medium to work with? 

That is hard to say, because I like so many mediums and types of art. Buy i guess the most fun would be the one that is potentially the dirtiest, painting. When it comes to that, I enjoy acrylic the best because It dries really fast. Plus, I am use to it. But I do draw a lot with ink, and i like using microns and prisma markers. 

Favorite place you have ever traveled to? Where do you want to go next? 

For nature vibes Maui. For city vibes Berlin. I got to do some street art in Berlin, and the shear amount of art cover the terrain is insane. Like, not just the Berlin wall, but so much of the city! Plus they have a mural, by one of my favorite artists who mixes animation and street art from Italy, named Blu. (Check him out if you don't remember him) I really want to go back to Maui, tho. It is like an alien forrest for me over there. I like the lingo over there, and all the burnt up vehicles i saw along with the graffiti. The local kids steal cars for joyrides and destroy the evidence when they are done. The burnt rusted out frames of all the cars make for interesting installations along the highways. It is mad expensive, but it a nice place to let go for awhile.

Standard Goods Featured Artist Bradley Wilkinson, Capitol Hill, Art Walk, Seattle Artist

What do you love most about living in Seattle? How does the city inspire you? 

I love when the sun comes out, and everyone goes nuts! Plus, you can't really wheat paste in the rain... I am a fan of the legal weed. I love all the friends I have made up here. Plus, there is a lot of rich history everywhere, from the music scene to the historic evolution of the city. I love having the outdoors so close. Me and my dog Copernicus enjoy long walks in the park. Sometimes we go horseback riding and skiing. Afterwards, we take long bubble baths and drink PBR's in our haunted mansion.

On a serious note, lately I have been inspired by meditation and working on calming my mind. Yoga and exercise are a must living here. Without it, my life is bummersville. I feel this is a common thing for someone trying to wing off the bar scene, morphing into their 30's. My 20's were a blurrrrr.....

Standard Goods Featured Artist Bradley Wilkinson, illustrator, Artist, designer, seattle artist, seattle capitol hill art walk

What artist do you most identify with? 

Their are plenty of artist I admire, but not to many I identify with all the way. Here some friends that come close that I love in Austin: Matthew Briar Bonifacior,, & Diego Mireles Duran.

If a movie was made about your life what would it be called? And what actor would you want to play you? 

My Name is Darm Darm & I Came Here to Farty 4: Letting Loose the Goose 

Staring: Cheech Marin 

Five things you can't possibly live without?



Painting/Drawing Utensils

My Homies/Familia 


What do you want people to experience when they see your work?

Maybe, to try and understand my experience whether they relate with it at all. Or, maybe they just think it looks cool and they want to put it in their homes or a museum? Maybe poop their pants?

 Anything else you'd like to share with us!? 

The women in my family mean a lot to me, and I don't know where i would be without them in my life. Also, music is a gigantic part of my life as well. My great grandmother had so much influence in me wanting to play music. Though I didn't get to meet her, she was in an all female washboard band outside of Austin in the hill country of Texas. In my head, this made her a bad ass! She hand made her washboard guitar which was bequeathed to me along with her pump organ after my Grandma Loraine passed away. (she was an artist too) I was the only one out of the family that still actively played music, during the time of the funeral, so she wanted me to have them. This thought inspired me to work on an Influential Women of Music series. For me to draw every woman who has inspired me and others around the world to get into music. Whether it is just to enjoy or engage by starting their own projects.

August 1st, I will be displaying this series at the Vera Project. Follow me on Instagram so you can learn more about it leading up to the event. ciao. xxxo

big cartel shop

Also here are some cool links to check out for Troublemakers Art Club:

Trouble Makers Drink n Draw

Video Bradley directed that was on MTV Portugal and Spain:
Oh! Pears - Under the Olive Trees)
Plus, another one I did he did for the band Scarves
Scarves - Mall Goths
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