Juan Marquez, Standard Goods Artist, Shop Local, Art Walk, Capitol hill Seattle, Captiol Hill Artist, Artist Intrerview, Pin designer, designer, enamel pins, shop pins and patches, local, artist questions, pin and patch maker, seattle music

Standard Goods Featured Artist: Juan Marquez

We are excited to have Juan Marquez as our Standard Goods Featured artist for the month of March. His colorful illustrations will be hanging in shop all month long. You can also shop his merch - Flow Wolf pins in store and online at Standard Goods.

Keep scrolling to learn how Juan got started in the pin business, his process as an artist and some random fun questions. Hope to see y'all at art walk next Thursday March 8th for "padajuan" solo show.  As always there will be complemetary drinks and live music. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself? Where did you grow up?

Im 24 and I'm from Mexico. I've lived in Washington my whole life. I grew up in Redmond, but I came to Seattle as soon as I possibly could and have been living here for the past few years.

What do you find to be the hardest part about the work you do?

There's not one specific thing, I really do enjoy every aspect of the work I do. I just struggle with procrastination like crazy. 

Other artists that influence your work?

Keith Haring, Pharrell & Nacho Eterno

What compelled you to start designing pins? Any other merchandise that you would like to create, but haven’t gotten around to it yet?

A friend of mine made some pins and that inspired me to make some of my own. I also wanted to give life to designs that maybe wouldn't work on a tee or as a painting. I really never stop having ideas for new mediums to work with, pillows and car fresheners are in the works.

What were some of the challenges you faced when launching flowwolf?

Finding reliable connections for product manufacturers. Ive been burned in the past with pin makers or screen printers, but in general its been a pretty smooth process.

Growing up what was your favorite cartoon?

Somehow this was the toughest question for me, it's hard to decide. I'm gonna go with Recess though, it was very relatable at the time.

Describe who your character bub® is? What inspired you to create it?

There was no inspiration or creative process for him haha. He just kinda happened, and I'm glad he did.

What do you love most about what you do, that has nothing to do with design?

The like minded people and relationships i've built from doing art and running the brand has to be the best part of it all. 

If you could travel back in time, where would you go?

It would've been tight to see Amy Winehouse live, so I guess around 2006 so I could go do that. Kind of a boring answer, but that's all thats coming to me right now.

What will you be showing at your solo show “padajuan” at Standard Goods for Capitol Hill Art Walk?

I'll be showing mainly acrylic canvas pieces that i've been making for the past couple years. There's a few wooden pieces that work with mirrors as well. 

Anything else you’d like to share?

Nope :-) thanks for everything!



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