Kyra Anderson Standard Goods Artist

Standard Goods Featured Artist: Kyra Anderson

We are so excited to have Kyra Anderson again with us this year for our July 2018 Art Walk! We will be hosting her work along with local musician, Alterations on Thursday July 12th. 

Kyra Anderson is a local Seattle artist with a love for detail and design. The pieces in this show are inspired by the texture and form of animals, as well as the nature surrounding them surrounding them. The intricate patterns in fur, scales, and leaves are a huge influence because their natural design is elegant and effortless. Because animals are so colorful both literally and in personality, the pieces are as well - designed to bring some brightness to a space. Pieces are done in acrylic and india ink. Kyra hopes to make the viewer smile at a goody critter or stop and uncover the details in a painting.

Kyra Anderson Standard Goods Artist

We love broadcasting the talent of local artists here at Standard Goods. Stop by to take a look and enjoy some free beer and music!

Can you tell us a little about the pieces in this show?

My pieces in this show are inspired by animals and the intricate textures you can find on and around them. Because animals can so easily be regal and dignified, or silly and goofy, there’s a huge range of expression to draw from. From a young age, I felt a strong love for animals, and was obsessed with drawing birds and horses as a kid. With this show, I’m picking up where I left off, incorporating both literal animals, and textures inspired by them.

Kyra Anderson Standard Goods Artist

How would describe your own unique style?

I would describe my style as being focused on lines and shapes. I also put a lot of attention into details- the more detail I can pack into a piece, the better.

Where and how did you foster such a passion and talent for painting?

My initial interest in art was fostered by growing up in a creative family. We were always supported in expressing ourselves, and spent a lot of time out in nature. Growing up in a small town in Alaska, I loved to use watercolors and carve traditional masks. This interest was carried into high school, where I took it more seriously and practiced whenever I found the time. Moving to Seattle has also ignited passion for me, because I get to witness and be inspired by the amazing artists in this community.

Kyra Anderson Standard Goods Artist

How did you end up in Seattle?

I ended up in Seattle after I kept wanting to visit as often as possible. I loved the energy and opportunities Seattle offered, and still do. While moving to a larger city was daunting at first, I’ve been able to find a comfortable community here on Capitol Hill.

What artists have been the most inspirational for you?

My favorite stack of books as a kid were on famous great artists, reading about their lives pushed me to pursue art. The ones that stood out to me were Georgia O Keeffe, Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, because they all had distinct styles that I admired. The other artists in my family have also greatly inspired me over the years.

How does your art reflect your personal life?

I’m always trying new things in my life, and I feel that reflects in my art. I love exploring and trying new things. Likewise, I enjoy testing new mediums and styles in my visual art. I’m also fond of design, and feel I put focus on elements of design within this show.

Where do you find inspiration for your pieces?

I find a lot of inspiration from the textures and shapes I witness walking around Seattle. The intricate textures within greenery and flowers is something I try to capture.

Kyra Anderson Standard Goods Artist

What are some other places you have shared your art?

I’ve done a handful of shows around Seattle, including a previous show at Standard Goods last year. I also share most of my work on my instagram, the link for which you can find below.

What mediums do you find most interesting to use?

I find ink the most interesting because it provides a clean, defined line. I can mark down details and know they’ll stay there forever. The risk of not being able to cover or erase any marks I’ve made is challenging sometimes, but it’s all the more satisfying when I do complete a piece.

If you could use three adjectives to describe yourself, what would they be​?

The first adjective I associate with myself is artistic, because it’s always been important to me. I definitely depend more on my right side brain than my left. I would also consider myself to be enthusiastic, as I try to give everything I do %110. Lastly, I try to be optimistic, because I feel most things can be improved with a positive outlook.

Kyra Anderson Standard Goods Artist

What are your favorite things about living in Seattle? Any ‘must-do’s’?

My favorite thing about living in Seattle is that there’s a spot for any mood. Whatever I’m feeling that day, I know I can find a place that matches that feeling. I always recommend the SAM to folks visiting Seattle, because it’s a great place to spend a few hours. Their exhibits are fantastic, and it’s a great way to get inspired. Also, I recommend that people check out all the gems that Capitol Hill has to offer- it’s a wonderful community that truly feels welcoming.

If you had a theme song, what would it be?

That’s a tough one! Maybe “While I’m Alive” by STRFKR, because it’s a happy little song that has some good sentiments to it.

Anything else you would like to share with us?

Thank you to Kathreen, Chloe, Maya, and every other fantastic human in charge of making Standard Goods what it is. I appreciate you guys and the wonderful energy you bring to the hill. You rock.


Check out more of Kyra's work on her Instagram ! 
For more information on our July Art Walk: 





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