Join Standard Goods for Capitol Hill Art Walk Thursday May 10th featuring Seattle based pop artist Peaches McBiscuit. His unique style of rendering pop culture personalities in the style of Catholic saints has made him a national sensation. We love his Omakase saint candles at Standard Goods and we can't wait to have his artwork on our walls for the month of May.
We look forward to hosting Cherry Boy for their 3rd live music performance with Standard Goods. And free beer from PBR as always!
Tell us a little about your background as an artist?
Originally, I trained as animation artist.
How did your brand Omakase Images begin?
It all started with a small art show.
Is there a story behind the name Omakase?
I wanted to sound catchy and I was out to sushi and I liked the word.
What is your creative process like?
I stew on things for months and then boom I draw.
What's your favorite thing you've ever created?
My Resist and Anthony Bourdain posters.
Any saint candles that are on the top of your list to create next?
Bob Ross.
What do you enjoy the most about the work you do?
Making people laugh.
What's your spirit animal?
Probably a capybara.
Name 3 artists or pop culture icons that you look up to?
Billy Idol, Andy Warhol and Banksy.
What's your favorite movie?
Star Wars.
What made want to sell your candles at Standard Goods?
It's such a fun and eclectic store in one of my favorite neighborhoods.
Where else do you sell your products?
I sell my art at Comic Cons around the country Monster in Ballard and Full Tilt stores.